Kindergarten & Enrichment Centre

High Quality Education in A Safe and Nurturing Environment

Skylight provides high quality education for children ages 2 to 6 through its comprehensive nursery and kindergarten programs. Our primary focus is the wellbeing and successful development of every child that comes to our school.

We provide our children with the care and attention they need to grow and develop into happy and confident children.
Our vision & mission

Get to Know Us

Understanding Excellent Holistic Development

Guiding The Young Generation To Success.

Our Vision

Our vision at Skylight is to provide high quality early childhood education in a safe and nurturing environment where children can be guided to excel holistically.

Our Mission

It is our goal to grow the children at Skylight holistically. We focus on academic and creative activities that help our children cultivate skills and intelligence in every aspect of their development.
Why choose us

Our Core Values

We started our preschool on the 3Es; excellence, environment, and education. At Skylight, we are committed to children’s excellent holistic development. We ensure children a safe and nurturing environment. We provide children with high-quality education.

High Quality Education

We believe children receive the greatest benefit from preschool by being exposed to high quality preschool education, providing academic and social benefits that last well-beyond kindergarten.

Nutritious Meals

We ensure our children's meals are prepared with all the necessary nutrients to ensure healthy physical growth.

Great Teachers

We have established a dedicated team of highly qualified and experienced early childhood educators, who will understand and help your child develop in all aspects.

Safe and Nurturing Environment

We strive to keep our children protected and safe. We seek to develop positive self-esteem and character in our children to lay a great foundation for their future success and happiness.

How To Let Your Child Study At Kindori?

Let your child attend Kindori Kindergarten to help your child develop comprehensively in all aspects.
Things For Kids

Kids Activites

Infant classroom offers strategies for building positive relationships, helping children develop self-regulation and responding to challenging behaviors.

Creative Activites

Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Sport Activites

Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Table/Floor Toys

Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Water Games

Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.
our programs

Year Groups

Playing in learning

Our Classes

With kindori, we always put the quality of teaching children first, please rest assured when sending children at kindori kindergarten.

Contact Us


Interested in good preschool education for your child? Our kindergarten is the right decision!
April 25, 2023 at 09:00 AM

ART CAMP 2023! Skylight will be running an Art Camp during the school holidays from the 25th to the 28th of April for children aged 4 to 8. Direct message us or reach us on Whatsapp at 012 237 5030 to sign up.
